About the King George's Field (KGF)

The King George’s Field, Lower Heyford, operates under a deed of variation to the lease dated 26 February 2018 and is an unincorporated organisation. The charity was established in memory of the late King George V, as a result of conveyances dated 9 August 1937, 31 December 1943 and 24 March 1950. The intention was to provide an area upon which, and in which, the local residents and others could enter into sporting and leisure activities. It is a requirement that all Trustees and members of the King George’s Field Committee of Management seek to provide these facilities to all of the community and the residents of Lower Heyford and Caulcott.

Structure, governance and management

The King George’s Field, Lower Heyford (KGF ) Trustees are appointed by Lower Heyford Parish Council and require to be resident in, or closely involved in through employment, the Parish of Lower Heyford and Caulcott. In the event a Trustee moves away they are required to step down as Trustee. Management of the KGF and the facilities thereon is undertaken by a Committee of Management (CoM).

Under the KGF lease the following Parish organisations may each appoint one member of the CoM:

• The Parish Council of Lower Heyford
• Heyford Athletic Football Club
• Lower Heyford Village Hall Fund
• Lower Heyford Events Committee
• Heyford Bowls Club
• Heyford Church Parochial Church Council
• Lower Heyford Sports and Social Club
• The Womens' Institute

Lower Heyford Village Hall Fund ceased to operate after it gave up its entire funds to part fund the redevelopment of the King George’s Field Community and Sports Centre in 2018 and it was then formally closed. However, in order to maintain the correct balance between the independent and appointed members, it was decided by the CoM, in 2018, that Lower Heyford Parish Council should be asked to appoint a second representative whose responsibility was to ensure that the original objects of the Lower Heyford Village Hall Fund continued to be met in the future.

The KGF CoM meets as often as necessary, but not less often than two times per annum. The Trustees meet as often as necessary as well, but also not less often than two times per annum. It is an express term of the lease that both the Trustees and the KGF CoM are required to ensure that the facilities afforded by the field and premises thereon are made available to the entire community in Lower Heyford and Caulcott.

KGF Lease

The King George’s Field, located in Lower Heyford, is owned by Lower Heyford Parish Council and was leased to the Trustees of KGF for a period dating from 20 March 2003 to 19 March 2025. This lease was extended by the agreement of the parties on 26 February 2018 for a period ending on 25 February 2068.

Current Members of the KGF Committee of Management

The following members are appointed as Independent Members of the KGF CoM

  • Phil Chesser (CoM Chair)
  • Tom Corrie 
  • Bruce Eggeling 
  • Gilli Hanna 
  • Tei Willox 

The following members are appointed as representatives of their respective organisations:

  • Philip Boxall (CoM Secretary) LH Parochial Church Council
  • Lynn Humberstone Heyfords WI
  • Mary Crouch LH Parish Council
  • Ant Alder Heyford Athletic Football Club
  • Cheryl Pike LH Sports and Social Club
  • Barry Varney LH Events Committee
  • Ric Fowles Village Hall Fund (appointed by the Parish Council)
  • Kim Steventon LH Bowls Club

Trustees of the KGF

  • David Gregory
  • Pete Thompson
  • Barry Varney
  • Bruce Eggeling